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Feldman Shepherd Attorney Roberta D. Pichini Meets with Heads of Mexico Bar Associations on Behalf of the IATL

Roberta D Pichini

Feldman Shepherd Attorney Roberta D. Pichini, a past president of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers (IATL), participated in a meeting with the heads of the Bar Associations of Mexico in October in Mexico City  to craft initiatives on legal issues of mutual concern. She, along with Howard Scher, also of Philadelphia, represented the IATL in identifying issues and crafting ways to work together collaboratively.

The IATL, which includes lawyers from more than 30 countries, is an elite group of trial attorneys representing both sides of the bar in civil and criminal litigation. Its mission is to promote reforms in the law; facilitate the administration of justice; promote the rule of law internationally; and elevate the standards of integrity, honor and courtesy in the legal profession.

 “We are delighted to embark on programs to strengthen the collaboration between the US and Mexican legal communities as we work to enhance the Rule of Law, protect human rights, fight human trafficking, encourage restorative justice, and further best practices in the administration of justice.”

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