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After Rebranding, Energy Drinks Still Dangerous

August 20th, 2014

Over the past two years, manufacturers of energy drinks have been putting out fires on various fronts. In 2012, the New York Times reported that Monster Energy – a beverage that Consumer Reports measures at 184mg of caffeine per 16 fl. oz. can (equivalent to about …

Malpractice Suits as Industry Reform

August 13th, 2014

Although this blog spends a lot of time detailing medical malpractice cases and the jury awards or settlements that come with them. Forbes contributor Steve Cohen reminded us recently (and accurately) that “Malpractice Lawsuits Aren’t Just About Money.” Besides writing about compensation, many of the …

Hypocritical Lawmakers and their Lawsuits

August 6th, 2014

As many of our readers are surely aware, the United States House of Representatives in the last week in July voted to approve Speaker John Boehner’s lawsuit against President Obama for allegedly exercising powers not granted to the highest office in the land. While we …

“Hide No Harm” Bill Targets Careless Corporations

July 23rd, 2014

As a consumer concerned with product safety, you might assume that it is illegal for corporations to knowingly cover up dangers associated with their goods and services, but you’d be wrong. Following dozens of highly publicized recalls–cars, automobile air bags,pharmaceuticals, and baby toys, to name …

Wisconsin Tort Reform Slowly Creeps Back

July 16th, 2014

In a landmark decision in 2005, the Supreme Court of Wisconsin struck down the state’s strict cap on non-economic damages, which limited plaintiffs’ recovery to $350,000. Finding this law to be unconstitutional on the grounds that it violated the equal protection clause, the Court’s decision explains …

Testosterone Treatment Linked to Cardiovascular Problems

June 25th, 2014

Over the past decade, according to the New York Times, testosterone replacement therapy (a form of hormone replacement) has quadrupled among men aged 40 and older. By 2011, about one in 25 men in their 60s was on a testosterone replacement plan. While this figure …

NFL Settlement Hits Snag as Obama Addresses Concussion Hazards

June 18th, 2014

The lawsuit that has pitted several thousand retired professional football players against their former employer, the National Football League, has been receiving a lot of press over the past few months–and it shows no signs of ending anytime soon. When this blog last reported on …

Search Search NuvaRing Settlement Offer Approved

June 11th, 2014

As far as birth control methods go, few have been as simultaneously popular and controversial as the NuvaRing. The vaginal ring, which slowly releases hormones into a woman’s bloodstream over the course of about three weeks, racked up about $686 million in 2013 alone for …

Takata Air Bags Involved in Another Massive Auto Recall

June 9th, 2014

While the massive General Motors recall–involving over 20 million vehicles in only one year–has been getting a lot of news coverage (and a few posts on this blog), another recall may be nearly as dangerous for drivers. In fact, air bags manufactured by the Takata …