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Legal Intelligencer Profiles Feldman Shepherd Case

May 15, 2016

The Legal Intelligencer profiled a recent opinion in response to a motion for redeposition filed by Carol Nelson Shepherd and Patricia M. Giordano in the case of Karim v. Reedy. The recent opinion requires the defendant obstetrician and nurse be redeposed to answer questions their counsel had previously instructed them not to, claiming their opinions couldn’t be discovered without their consent. The decision, filed in Lackawanna County, has a broad impact on both plaintiffs and defendants seeking to question doctors about patient care.

  • Feldman Shepherd Wohlgelernter Tanner Weinstock Dodig LLP attorneys are licensed in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Illinois, North Carolina, Texas, and Wisconsin. In addition, our attorneys practice in other states on a pro hac vice basis. Pro hac vice admission is when a lawyer not licensed in a particular state associates with a lawyer who is licensed in that state and obtains the court’s permission to jointly represent a client in a specific matter.